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Getting the most of your car service data

With so many dealerships competing for vehicle owners to use their auto care services, choosing the right marketing strategies can be challenging. But regardless of which marketing strategies and platforms a dealer implements, there is no question that the more targeted your marketing, the better outcome you will have. Dealership marketers need to be as targeted as possible by knowing these three things: where to find the data, how to clean the data, and how to use the data.

car service data

 Collecting the data

Dealers collect vehicle data from their DMS (dealership management system). Dealers should gather this information daily to track an individual customer’s interaction with a dealership.

Some companies compile car data to track who owns the car in a specific area and what kind of car they own. They collect details from insurance companies and independent shops. 

These companies lease or sell the data to dealership marketers. And some websites offer vehicle recall information. A marketer can log on to these websites, check a VIN, and learn if it has an open recall.

 Cleaning your data

When collecting data from multiple sources, there will most likely be duplicate data. To dedupe data, dealerships must cross-check names and addresses from outside sources with the DMS. The dealer data is almost always the most up-to-date and accurate data, so it should be the anchor, and it should take top priority when cleaning data. 

Dealers should compare VINs to see the last time a car was in for service. Vehicles serviced at a dealership often take top priority. A vehicle that received service at one dealership three years ago may have used another dealership more recently. The customer may have sold the car, or they may have moved. 

These are all factors that need to be merged and scrubbed to create a target contact list. Review the addresses on the list to see if the customer is still in the dealership’s area. The radius from the dealership is one way of looking at this. But you can also narrow the data down by drive time.

 Automated or Manual Data Processing

Perform this type of data collection and analysis manually. However, an automated program allows this information to be as up-to-date as possible. TVI MarketPro3 has a program that does all of this automatically. 

TVI gathers around a million records a day from DMS and other sources. These records come in overnight and are converted to a standardized format. The database is cleaned, new records are added, and updates are made.

 The Right Customer

The goal of all data manipulation is to pinpoint your marketing by several metrics. But the most common metrics used are the make, model, and age of the vehicle. We also gather vehicle services needed and the customer’s drive time from the dealership. The message you send using this data must be to a specific customer and about their vehicle’s health.

For more on automotive data for marketing, visit TVI MarketPro3.

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