
TVI MarketPro3 and Pete Sidorowicz

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing Start

I started in the automobile business back in the 90s. I actually started off in sales and transitioned into the fixed ops because it was just intriguing to me, and I just liked the atmosphere a little bit better and I wanted to start a family so we decided to go that route to have just a better set schedule. I did fixed ops for 27 years. I oversaw at my last stint, five dealerships in the Ziegler Auto Group and transitioned to TVI about a little over a year and a half ago. I used TVI for about six years. So that’s how TVI and I became together, how we were brought together.

My Mission for My Clients

My mission is obviously to take care of the customers and make sure that I oversee their marketing for them and help them grow with their department.

It’s been an easier transition for me considering I do put myself in their shoes and I do think outside the box knowing what I know with my background and having the experience of talking to multiple dealerships in my area and from my past in Illinois as well. Still having connections there and constantly communicating with them to be able to see what other markets are doing. See how other dealer groups are doing or other manufacturers are doing or what they’re doing to gain the market share for their dealers.

My Greatest Challenge in Serving My Clients

The most challenging part is obviously making sure that we can grow the dealer and make sure that the dealership and us partner together so we can be as one and think the same way to make sure that we grow not only their market share but their also gross profit ultimately in the dealership.

Most Rewarding Part of My Job

The most rewarding is piggybacked off of the last answer is when you see the growth and you see the constant evolution of their department and seeing that you know again you’re constantly bringing in more customers you’re constantly growing their fixed ops gross and making sure that they’re happy with our and us you know working as a partner together to be able to you know ultimately win.

Common Challenge Across All My Dealer Clients

The most common challenge is the options that are available to all the customers out there, not only the dealer groups, but drawing the customer in to make sure that they have an opportunity to take care of that customer and make them a lifelong customer.

There are a lot of options out there now. It’s not only other manufacturers or other dealers with the same manufacturer, but it’s also the independents. So the dealers have to understand that if they’re not marketing to somebody, somebody else is. So it’s about the experience, it’s that wow factor that they need to experience as a customer when they do walk into that dealership.

How I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These Problems

Having my experience, my background and seeing different options and different ways to market to the customers and having the purest information that TVI provides, as far as the data, it definitely allows us to think outside the box.

I’ve actually spoken to my general managers at stores and suggested, you know, let’s market to the customers that are coming out of warranty and let’s have the finance department even put an option for that customer as well. So they understand that it’s not just fixed ops, it’s growing the whole dealership, the whole market there.

TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These Problems

Ultimately the tools that we have, the software that we provide and again the purest cleanest data as far as the customer contacts has been a tremendous help for me to grow that whatever dealer I’m working with to have the estimator to have the control center to have the cleanest and just most information for growing that dealer is been definitely a blessing just because it makes it that much easier.

NADA Show 2024

The thing that I’m looking forward to at the NADA meeting is just basically networking, just to get in front of people and have them understand what we provide for them to grow their fixed ops and to be able to just meet and just get in front of the people just to provide options and just be able to explain to them how we can and what we do is a great value to them.

TVI MarketPro3 and Pete Sidorowicz

With my background I’ve been able to go into dealers and let them understand what I’ve done in the past and I provide an excess of just the marketing. I also provide to my dealers to be able to train their employees on how to speak to the customers, how to be able to take an RO and maximize every advantage with that RO. So having that background is definitely a plus for my dealers because of my knowledge that I provide for them.

TVI definitely provides the best product on the market. There’s nobody out there that provides what we do. Having the cleanest and purest data for VINs and customers available, plus having all the different reporting tools that the dealership gets, we’re very transparent on what we provide.

and ultimately we’re a partnership. I’m not just going to send out mailers and hope for the best. I’m constantly evolving and thinking outside the box on what we can do to help that dealer grow. And when I see the results and the dealer sees the results it’s a win-win for both of us.

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